الأربعاء، 1 مايو 2013

Torli ( roasted vegetables) with chicken

Torli is my absolute favorite, it's the most Delicious way of cooking vegetables ever , you can make it with any kind of meat you prefer but it's more delicious with chicken , try it and you will never regret

Torli with chicken
Egyptian cuisine


One pot meal
low in calories


1 chicken cut to pieces ( you can use breasts only or thighs only )
3 large onions
Torli with meat
Egyptian cuisine
1 large potato or 2 small
1 carrot
1/2 a cup of beans
1/2 a cup of string beans cut to 1  inch pieces
1 tomato 
1 table spoons of oil
1 bell pepper


1st step :   Marinate the chicken

this step is preferably made the night before, to marinate the chicken , put 1 onion in the food processor with  a teaspoon of salt , black pepper and 2 cardamoms then put the onion over the chicken and try to but it under the skin. leave it in the fridge for at least 2 hours.

2nd step

Peel the potato, the carrot, and the zucchini , cut them to small pieces ( rings or cubes ), cut the pepper as well.
In the food processor put the onions , the tomato , salt and pepper , mix them well then add to the veggies.
put all the veggies in a large oven dish,add a cup of water, put the chicken over the vegetables ( if you are making it with veal or lamb then but it among the vegetables not over) and brush the chicken pieces with the oil.
put in a hot oven for an hour and a half.

you can serve it alone as it's a complete meal, but I usually serve it with Rice with dried noodles or Rice one white one brown
Torli with meat
Egyptian cuisine
Torli with chicken
Egyptian cuisine


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