الجمعة، 26 أبريل 2013


       Assaj itself is not a dish on any Egyptien table, but its a main ingredient of many dishes in Egyptien cuisine, so I am explaining it in separate entry rather than writing the way of preparing Assaj every time I blog about a dish containing it.
 plain Assaj
Egyptien cuisine


Assaj is mainly cooked ground maet
for non vegetarian meals


1 kilo of ground  meat ( beef or lamb)
3 large onions (diced)
2 table spoons of butter or oil

    This amount can be used in many dishes in the Egyptian and Arab cuisines , you may prepare less amount according to the number people you would serve, i prefer to make a lot of Assaj, divide it , and freeze it until needed.


Assaj with pine nuts
Egyptien cuisine
    In a large pan put the oil or butter, add the onion and stir it untill it's translucent.
    Add the meat , stir the meat and break the lumps with a large spoon until you find no large pieces of meat and it's all like sand and you will see it browning a bit
     leave it until its liquids evaporate , pine nuts are traditionally added at this point but you may not use it if not available , your Assaj is now ready to use it in many delicious dishes of the Egyptien cuisine.

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